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  • 商务电话礼仪

    时间:10-21 13:29:50来源:http://www.laixuea.com 电话接听礼仪阅读:8909

    概要:英:Western clients and customers are not expecting an overly friendly conversation when they make a business call. They expect some degree of professionalism. If the person answering the call is too lackadaisical, unenthusiastic or indifferent, they may hang up and take their business someplace else!中:西方的客户或顾客在打商务电话时不希望对方过度友好。他们希望职业化些。如果接电话的人很庸懒,缺乏热情或是漠然,他们会挂掉而去找别的客户。来源:搜狐


    Western clients and customers are not expecting an overly friendly conversation when they make a business call. They expect some degree of professionalism. If the person answering the call is too lackadaisical, unenthusiastic or indifferent, they may hang up and take their business someplace else!




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