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  • 高中英语作文400字:路上发生车祸

    时间:05-11 12:34:36来源:http://www.laixuea.com 英语作文阅读:8490

    概要:路上发生车祸this afternoon on my way home i could see few people in the street.perhaps people preferred to stay at home because of the cold weather. so i rode very quickly when i was to cross a lane. suddenly, a bike rushed out of the lane at high speed. we crashed into each other. i fell to the ground so heavily that i broke my left leg.今天下午回家的路上,我在街上没见到几个人。也许是因为天太冷人们宁愿待在家里。所以当我横过一个胡同时我仍旧骑得非常快。突然一辆自行车高速驶出胡同,我们撞车了。我重重地摔到地上,以致于左腿骨折了。


    this afternoon on my way home i could see few people in the street.perhaps people preferred to stay at home because of the cold weather. so i rode very quickly when i was to cross a lane. suddenly, a bike rushed out of the lane at high speed. we crashed into each other. i fell to the ground so heavily that i broke my left leg.

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