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  • 特发国外零售研究报告集系列

    • 名称:特发国外零售研究报告集系列
    • 类型:零售行业
    • 授权方式:免费版
    • 更新时间:10-14 11:02:59
    • 下载要求:无需注册
    • 下载次数:6278
    • 语言简体中文
    • 大小:126 KB
    • 推荐度:3 星级

    Keywords Relationship marketing, Retailing, Services marketing, Consumer behaviourAbstract This study focuses on the potential difficulties in implementing a relationshipmarketing strategy within a retail context. We suggest that a number of attributescharacterise the nature of the service and market structure are influential in anorganisation's ability to implement relationship marketing. Specifically, these arebalance of power; level of involvement with the purchase; professionalism of the serviceprovider; and level of personal contact. Seven dimensions central to relationshipmarketing in a retail context are derived from the literature. Via survey research, theseare evaluated in four service contexts, namely: hairdresser/barber; optician; recreationcentre; and supermarket. Findings indicate that because of the influence of the fourfactors identified above, hairdressers, opticians, and recreation centres are more likely tooperate in conditions that give greater support to the development of relationshipmarketing.IntroductionRelationship marketing (RM) is heralded by some as the new paradigm ofmarketing (see, for example, Coviello et al., 1998; Brodie et al., 1997 andCoviello et al., 1996). The recent rush of publications in the area may giverise to the impression that RM can be applied in any context, yet there is littleempirical evidence to support this. Sheth and Parvatiyar (1995) suggest that``much of the current literature considers relationship marketing, especiallyin consumer markets, to be a completely new phenomenon''., 名称:特发国外零售研究报告集系列,我们己经对特发国外零售研究报告集系列进行杀毒,以保证您的安全下载特发国外零售研究报告集系列,下载的压缩文件如果需要密码那就是 http://www.laixuea.com,特发国外零售研究报告集系列的文件大小为126 KB,运行在Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X系统
    Tag:零售行业零售行业分析,零售行业现状行业资料 - 零售行业
