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  • 听力对话题解题原则

    时间:10-27 11:12:56来源:http://www.laixuea.com 英语六级考试阅读:8847

    概要:www.laixuea.com女生更爱学习、男生更爱娱乐:2000年1月 第1题W: It's a pity you missed the concert yesterday evening. It was wonderful.M: I didn't want to miss the football game. Well, I'm not a classical music fan anyway.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?A) The man was sorry to miss the football game.B) The man attended the concert, but didn't like it.C) The man was sorry that he didn't attend the concert.D) The man is more interested in football t


      2000年1月 第1题
      W: It's a pity you missed the concert yesterday evening. It was wonderful.
      M: I didn't want to miss the football game. Well, I'm not a classical music fan anyway.
      Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
      A) The man was sorry to miss the football game.
      B) The man attended the concert, but didn't like it.
      C) The man was sorry that he didn't attend the concert.
      D) The man is more interested in football than in classical music.
      单就长对话而言,长对话作为六级听力改革后的新题型体现了命题组对于考试改革的诉求——强调在实际环境中的语言运用能力。涉及到的对话场景内容非常广泛,从校园生活生活中的各种场景。学生可以通过抓住“信号词” 来判断具体场景。经常涉及到的场景有:旅游(飞机,机场,出行准备等),校园,工作面试,访谈等。
      22.A. Organizing protests C. Acting as its spokesman.
      B. Recruiting members D. Saving endangered animals.
      23. A. Anti-animal-abuse demonstrations B. Anti-nuclear campaigns
      C. Surveying the Atlantic Ocean floor D. Removing industrial waste.
      24.A. By harassing them. C. By taking legal action.
      B. By appealing to the public D. By resorting to force.
      25. A. Doubtful  B. Reserved C. Indifferent.  D. Supportive
      W: Right, well, in the studio this morning, for our interview spot is Peter Wilson(人名,重要). Peter works for Green Peace (特殊表达,文章主题词). So, Peter, welcome.
      M: Thanks a lot. It's good to be here.
      W: Great! Now, Peter, perhaps you can tell us something about Green Peace and your job there. (寒暄,为了迷惑考生,此处进入正题)
      M: Sure. Well, I'll start by telling you roughly what Green Peace is all about. I actually work in London for the Green Peace organization(人物职业,22题考点1). We've been going for a few decades and we're a non-violent, non-political organization. We're involved in anti-nuclear activity, conservation and protection of animals and protection and support of our eco-system. I'm the action organizer and arrange any protests.(人物职业重复,22题考点。视听基本一致原则。)
      W: Right! A pretty important role. Peter. What sort of protest would you organize?
      M: Well, recently we've been involved in anti-nuclear campaigns. (问答关系,23题考点。视听一致原则。)I, personally arranged for the demonstration against radioactive waste dumping in the Atlantic Ocean. We've got a few small Green Peace boats that we harass(特殊词汇,首次出现,24题考点2) the dumping ship with.
      W: Say? Hold on, Peter. I thought you said your organization was non-violent. What do you mean by "harass"? (重复核心词,也是问题所在。问答关系。)

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