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  • 小学英语作文400字:Smile

    时间:07-18 21:04:49来源:http://www.laixuea.com 英语作文阅读:8315

    概要:the development of science and technology seems to be increasing distance between people. so how can we show our desire to get closer to people? the answer is by smiling. smiling dissolves apathy and distributes warmth. smiling is an international language. even if you go abroad and dont speak the language, a smile will carry you a long way. try and wear a smile on your face frequently, and you will get an unepected response in return.

    the development of science and technology seems to be increasing distance between people. so how can we show our desire to get closer to people? the answer is by smiling. smiling dissolves apathy and distributes warmth. smiling is an international language. even if you go abroad and dont speak the language, a smile will carry you a long way. try and wear a smile on your face frequently, and you will get an unepected response in return.

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