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  • 新加坡小学英语一年级试卷及答案

    时间:12-09 00:27:10来源:http://www.laixuea.com 一年级英语学习阅读:8168

    概要:19. This painting (is/are) beautiful.20. Those (is/are) chairs.21. These (is/are) my father's books.22. That (is/are) a cup of coffee.23. This (is/are) a horse.24. Those (is/are) big boxes.25. This (is/are) honey.(E) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop or with a question mark. (5*2=10 marks)26. like drink he does to what ______________________________________________________________


    19. This painting (is/are) beautiful.

    20. Those (is/are) chairs.

    21. These (is/are) my father's books.

    22. That (is/are) a cup of coffee.

    23. This (is/are) a horse.

    24. Those (is/are) big boxes.

    25. This (is/are) honey.


    (E) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence

        with a full-stop or with a question mark. (5*2=10 marks)

    26. like    drink    he     does    to    what


    27. cap     he     a     wearing     is


    28. very    the    is    sharp     knife


    29. to      he     bicycle    wants    a     buy


    30. difficult     are     questions      too      the 


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