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  • 听写,何提高写的准确率

    时间:10-27 11:20:52来源:http://www.laixuea.com 英语听力阅读:8216

    概要:used, hum an labor15 percent,and machines only 6 percent.Today all that has changed.Just as technology changes the face of industry,farms have undergone an.“agricultu ralrevolu-tion”(8)?.Modem farmers now have machanized‘‘hired hands'’and keep horses only for pleasure.Besides developing new machinery,scientists and engineers have helped the farmers in manyways.(9)?.This means fewer but larger farms and fewer but more prosp

    used, hum an labor15 percent,and machines only 6 percent.
    Today all that has changed.Just as technology changes the face of industry,farms have undergone an.“agricultu ralrevolu-tion”(8)?.Modem farmers now have machanized‘‘hired hands'’and keep horses only for pleasure.Besides developing new machinery,scientists and engineers have helped the farmers in many
    ways.(9)?.This means fewer but larger farms and fewer but more prosperous farmers.However the agricultural revolution is not over.(10)?.


    从文章第一句中“…cows,pigs and other livestock”推知(1)肯定是农家畜中的一类。接着由“but”得到暗示,(2)处所填名词一定与livestock相对。(3)处从语法上判断只能是一个作定语的形容词。(4)与(3)相同,(5)从in the busy判断只可能是“time”、“seasons”之类。(6)、(7)两处由该句内容马、人力和机器各不相同的百分比可以推断是讲三者在从事农场劳动方面所“提供的”(gave,offered或provided)“力”(power)。由第二段前两句(见原文)可以推断后一句必然是农业革命也改变了农场的根本面貌——(8)On the farm of today,machines provide almost all the pow—er,(机器已替代了马的角色。)(9)句也可由上文推知下文是写由此而引发出怎样的后果:(9)As a result,the farms of today are able to produce much more food with the same aumount of labor。再从However,the agricultu ral revolution is not over”可推知下句一定是对美国农民(或农场)未来的展望:“In the future,farmers will receive even greater benefits from science and technology.”如此猜测联想之后再听录音,效果当然就大不相同了。

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