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  • 怎样做好听力笔记

    时间:10-27 11:20:50来源:http://www.laixuea.com 英语听力阅读:8412

    概要:以下为短文听力部分的一篇样板笔记,大家可以从中体会做短文笔记的基本方法。选择项:①A.At the new town swimming poo1.B.In the schoo1.C.At Jackson Sports Center.D.In a university swimming poo1.②A.Because the place was too small.B.Because the students wouldn’t be able to have lunch there.C.Because it was raining.D.Because the place was not available.③A.About 3hours.B.About 4 hours.C.About 5 hours.D.About 6 hours.④A.To inform the students of the swimming competition.B.To tell the students how to


    ①A.At the new town swimming poo1.
    B.In the schoo1.
    C.At Jackson Sports Center.
    D.In a university swimming poo1.
    ②A.Because the place was too small.
    B.Because the students wouldn’t be able to have lunch there.
    C.Because it was raining.
    D.Because the place was not available.
    ③A.About 3hours.B.About 4 hours.
    C.About 5 hours.D.About 6 hours.
    ④A.To inform the students of the swimming competition.
    B.To tell the students how to get to the competition ground.
    C.To tell the students when to get back to schoo1.
    D.To tell the students about the arrangement of the day’sactivities.

    ②Why did… change the place of…?
    ③How long…?
    ④What is the main idea/purpose of…?(或Which of the following statelnents is true.)

    A message for years 7—10(for whom)
    new town swimming pool(original)
    Jackson Sports Center(now)
    rain(reason of changing place)
    10:00 a.m.start off by bus(15 minute’s ride)
    3:15 p.m.return to school

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